For Industries
Steel and Cement Industries
Non-Linear loads, harmonics, Maintenance of PF in CPP and grid integrated system, highly dynamic loads.
Steel & Cement Industries incorporate complicated power system network. The presence of furnaces and rolling mills results in highly dynamic loads. The power system is burdened with high harmonics from non-linear loads and low PF. Conventional compensation will not be able meet the performance requirement due to the highly dynamic nature of the system. Harmonics are generated from the non-linear loads and are injected into the grid. InPhase has proven its performance in these critical sectors by meeting the compliances & has resolved major Power Quality issues.

For Industries
Energy management in process-based system, reduction in drive failures due to harmonics.
Textile Industries being a major Industry towards economic revolution, energy management is of paramount importance in these industries. Textile industry comprises of VFD drives, heating systems and requires continuous operation of motors. The drive operations in these processes draws non sinusoidal currents from sinusoidal sources, these lead to major harmonic issues causing overheating in transformers, failure of drive & more PQ issues. These hinderances to power quality were eliminated by providing customised solution for Textile applications by InPhase. The InPhase PQ solutions will make your production uninterrupted, profitable & reliable.
Power Quality improvement by installing ASTRA-Active Harmonic Filter, SHAF.
For Industries
Harmonics mitigation in automated system, protection for switchgear and cables due to harmonics.
Process industries rely on use of automated systems with numerous motor drives. It is a time critical process & it’s crucial to maintain the Power Quality which otherwise have adverse effects on the electrical switchgears, cables etc., also resulting in production downtime. InPhase with its cutting-edge technology has helped several process driven industries by enhancing the life expectancy & has transform their Power Quality.
Power Quality improvement by installing ASTRA-Active Harmonic Filter.

For Industries
Harmonics mitigation & dynamic reactive power management in welding, pressing & high-power applications with jerk loads.
Automobile industries includes intensive applications of Welding, Pressing. These power intensive process can bring potential power quality challenges. The sudden spikes causing harmonics & the reactive power demand based on the load has to be met, these challenges need careful sizing and solution of filters & compensators. If you are facing such challenges, then InPhase is your go to partner for such solutions. Don’t forget to investigate a case study related to Automobile industry where we outline, how such Power Quality challenges were resolved for one of the industry leading automotive industries.
Power Quality improvement by installing ASTRA-Active Harmonic Filter, SHAF-Smart Hybrid Active Filter.
For Industries
Reactive power management for long distance transmission lines at high voltages, Leading KVAr management.
Metros are the most efficient urban transport system & it is springing up in every II Tier cities. Metro’s have different needs for Power Quality improvement, which the conventional systems can’t address. InPhase has the necessary expertise to resolve Power Quality problems for the most challenging cases in Metro. Get in touch with us today to resolve your Power Quality problem
Power Quality improvement by installing ASTRA-Active Harmonic Filter

For Industries
Solar Farms
Reactive power management under no load (leading KVAr issues).
The world is increasingly inclining towards renewable energy sources. Solar has been a major driver for renewable adoption, with new adoption comes new challenges, solar Power quality issues are specially tackled as the leading KVAr (reactive power demand ) that needs to be addressed & the line capacitance issues which will need special customisation .InPhase has the proven solutions for such critical demands . If you are facing such issues get in touch with us and read our case study related to Power Quality in Solar plants.
Power Quality improvement by installing ASTRA-Q